Life challenges

Help center · Safety · Life challenges

We're here to help and support our customers - both in times of success and during challenging times.


Taking care of financial matters when you're experiencing grief can be overwhelming. Our team are here to help you.

Just a note this information is prepared to help guide you and is not legal advice. We advise that you ask a professional adviser such as a lawyer with expertise in wills and estates.

The first step is registering the death, please contact your local registry office for information on when and how to do this.

Once you've registered the death, the registry office will issue a death certificate which you'll need in order to handle the affairs of the deceased.

If you need to access the Mondooli account of an account holder who has passed away you can get in touch with our customer care team and provide us with the relevant documents. To comply with the law, we'll need to know:

We'll also need some documents from you:

Once we receive this information then we'll:

It will take around 15 days for us to process your request after we've received all the documents we require to comply with the law. However, if the case is complex or if there is ongoing court proceedings related to the deceased's assets then it may cause a delay.

Our customer care team will provide you with a reference number that you can use when communicating with us.

Financial abuse

This is a form of domestic abuse which involves controlling a person's ability to manage their own money. It often creates or reinforces financial instability in relationships. This is a pattern of threatening and degrading behavior that restricts a victim's financial freedom.

Financial abuse includes financial control, exploitation or manipulation and can happen in a range of relationships including intimate partners, family members, friends or carers. Some of the signs to help you recognise financial abuse include:

You can find out more in the UK Finance It's your money leaflet including what to do if you become a victim and how to get help.

If you or your children are in immediate danger, call the police.

Mental health

Mental health can be affected from job insecurity, debt and financial worries. Emotional distress caused from feeling low, anxious or stressed is a normal response.

Some of the signs that your mental health may be struggling include:

Take a mood self-assessment quiz designed by National Health Service (NHS) here.