Get a free XXI movie ticket!

Get a free XXI movie ticket!

We are giving 100 lucky customers a free XXI movie ticket to enjoy the latest release in the cinema. Simply follow our social media and apply for an account with us.

Terms and conditions:

How to use m.tix ticket e-voucher:

  1. Select the film, location, showtime, number of tickets and seats
  2. Click 'Continue'
  3. Select the preferred payment method
  4. Click 'Apply available vouchers'
  5. Enter the Unique Code then click Check code
  6. Promo information will appear then click 'Apply voucher'
  7. Check the order details again. Click 'Pay'
  8. Enter the m.tix PIN/Password
  9. Tickets have been booked
  10. E-Vouchers cannot be reused once they have been redeemed
  11. The E-voucher image will not appear once it has been used

M.tix terms & conditions: